JsonBrowser::asRoot() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Get the current node as a document root
JsonBrowser::attach() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Attach to an existing decoded document


ContextClass in namespace JsonBrowser
Document context
Iterator::current() — Method in class Iterator
Get a browser object for the current child
JsonBrowser::childExists() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Check whether a child element exists
JsonBrowser::count() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Count the number of children contained within this node
Util::compare() — Method in class Util
Compare two values for equality
Util::cast() — Method in class Util
Cast a value to conform to the given type mask, losing as little fidelity as possible


Context::deleteValue() — Method in class Context
Delete the value at a given path
JsonBrowser::deleteValue() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Delete the current node value
JsonBrowser::deleteValueAt() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Delete the value at a given path
Util::decodePointer() — Method in class Util
Decode a JSON pointer to a path array


ExceptionClass in namespace JsonBrowser
Custom exception class
Util::encodePointer() — Method in class Util
Encode a path array as a JSON pointer


Context::getSubtreeContext() — Method in class Context
Get a new context with the provided path as the root
Context::getValue() — Method in class Context
Get the value at a given path
Context::getAnnotations() — Method in class Context
Get annotations for a given path
JsonBrowser::getAnnotation() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Get single node annotation
JsonBrowser::getAnnotations() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Get node annotations
JsonBrowser::getChild() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Get a child node
JsonBrowser::getIterator() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Get an iterator handle
JsonBrowser::getJSON() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Get the JSON source for the current node
JsonBrowser::getKey() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Get the node index key (i.e. the child name within the parent node)
JsonBrowser::getNodeAt() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Get the node at a given path
JsonBrowser::getParent() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Get parent node
JsonBrowser::getPath() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Get the node path
JsonBrowser::getRoot() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Get root node
JsonBrowser::getSibling() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Get a sibling node
JsonBrowser::getType() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Get the document value type
JsonBrowser::getValue() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Get the node value
JsonBrowser::getValueAt() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Get the value at a given path


IteratorClass in namespace JsonBrowser
Iterate through child nodes
JsonBrowser::isEqualTo() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Test whether the document value is equal to a given value
JsonBrowser::isNotType() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Test whether the document value is not of a given type
JsonBrowser::isRoot() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Test whether the current node is the document root
JsonBrowser::isType() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Test whether the document value is of a given type


JsonBrowserClass in namespace JsonBrowser
Helper class for working with JSON-encoded data


Iterator::key() — Method in class Iterator
Get the current child index


JsonBrowser::loadJSON() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Load document from a JSON string


Iterator::next() — Method in class Iterator
Advance the internal pointer to the next child
JsonBrowser::nodeExists() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Check whether the current node exists in the parent document


Iterator::rewind() — Method in class Iterator
Reset the internal pointer to the first child


Context::setValue() — Method in class Context
Set the value at a given path
Context::setAnnotation() — Method in class Context
Set an annotation for a given path
JsonBrowser::setAnnotation() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Set a node annotation
JsonBrowser::setValue() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Set the node value
JsonBrowser::setValueAt() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Set the value at a given path
JsonBrowser::siblingExists() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Check whether a sibling exists


Util::typeMask() — Method in class Util
Get the type mask for a given value


UtilClass in namespace JsonBrowser
Static utility methods


Context::valueExists() — Method in class Context
Check whether the value at a given path exists
Iterator::valid() — Method in class Iterator
Test whether there are more children to iterate over


Exception::wrap() — Method in class Exception
Wrap some code and catch errors with a custom exception


Context::__construct() — Method in class Context
Create a new instance
Exception::__construct() — Method in class Exception
Create a new instance
Iterator::__construct() — Method in class Iterator
Create a new instance
JsonBrowser::__construct() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Create a new instance
JsonBrowser::__get() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Dynamically get child nodes or values as object properties
JsonBrowser::__set() — Method in class JsonBrowser
Dynamically set child node values as object properties